Thursday, September 12, 2013

Pow, Bang, Kaboom! Antioxidants, the Super Skin Heroes!

“With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.”
Combating the signs of aging takes power. Where do we find the needed power amongst rows and rows of products that claim to have the secret weapon to aging? It’s overwhelming and expensive to try to solve the age dilemma.  A bit of science helps to understand why we age. A bit a science fiction makes it fun!

There is a consistent process of damage going on constantly on your skin called free radical damage. Sort of like evil unstable electrons determined to speed up signs of aging such as loss of elasticity and wrinkles. It would be a sad fate for our delicate dermis, except for an incredible bunch of superhero molecules called antioxidants that work to inhibit the oxidation of other molecules. These are the good guys! They come to the rescue and stabilize and balance the skin, preventing premature aging. Fortunately you don’t need a bat signal to find antioxidants. They come in the form of fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Most of the benefits from antioxidants taken internally never reach the skin. Topical application works best for the protection of your skin.

Here at Aminah’s Organic Skin Spa, we specialize in antioxidant rich skin care. Every Eminence Organics product is loaded with super skin heroes. Our stimulating treatments, such as the Blueberry Detox Peel, is able to restore radiance in a single treatment. Try one of our serum boosters, which are like superheroes with boxing gloves. “It’s clobbering time” for all the mean free radicals. Ingredients like acai berry and grape, with the ability to smooth deep wrinkles, will restore harmony in the skin. Vitamins A and C and Co Q10 are all extremely potent age-slowers. Who needs a cape or a mask when you have pulp, seeds, and peels to maintain a youthful glow?

 What makes Eminence superior to other skin care products is quality and the lack of disruption in the natural state of ingredients. Skin is smart. It knows the difference between synthetic Vitamin C and natural Vitamin C from strawberries, and therefore our skin will more readily accept the natural versus the unstable lab engineered stuff. Protect your skin from the destructive forces of molecular warfare with monthly facials and daily home care.

Written by: Jennifer Battisti, Esthetician

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