April showers bring May flowers and along with it extra sunshine from daylight savings. This means
days with longer sun exposure. The average person has 20 minutes of natural sun protection made from oil that is naturally secreted from their pores. Those twenty minutes of natural sun defense can be quickly exhausted just walking to and from our cars, checking the mail box, going in and out of work or a super market. After that initial 20 minutes of protection is exhausted, damage to the skin cells ensues. The majority of damage occurs when we are driving to and from work and errands because the front windshield acts like a magnifying glass tripling the sun’s intensity and damaging rays. This is why Estheticians at Aminah’s Organic Skin Spa recommend using sunscreen year round regardless of weather conditions. By wearing daily sunscreen you create an extra shield so that while outside, but especially while driving, you can deflect and reduce your exposure and the effects of premature aging, sun spots, and sun damage caused by over exposure to the sun. Acne clients need to wear sun protection too because over exposure to the sun can make acne scars more permanent.
days with longer sun exposure. The average person has 20 minutes of natural sun protection made from oil that is naturally secreted from their pores. Those twenty minutes of natural sun defense can be quickly exhausted just walking to and from our cars, checking the mail box, going in and out of work or a super market. After that initial 20 minutes of protection is exhausted, damage to the skin cells ensues. The majority of damage occurs when we are driving to and from work and errands because the front windshield acts like a magnifying glass tripling the sun’s intensity and damaging rays. This is why Estheticians at Aminah’s Organic Skin Spa recommend using sunscreen year round regardless of weather conditions. By wearing daily sunscreen you create an extra shield so that while outside, but especially while driving, you can deflect and reduce your exposure and the effects of premature aging, sun spots, and sun damage caused by over exposure to the sun. Acne clients need to wear sun protection too because over exposure to the sun can make acne scars more permanent.
The #1 way to slow down aging and prevent skin cancer is by wearing sunscreen daily. Also, sunscreen can help protect sun spots and acne scars from becoming darker and more prevalent. It is important to note that individuals with fair skin types are more vulnerable to premature aging AND skin cancer. According to a report on NBC’s Today Show, a Board Certified Dermatologist reported that if an individual has had 3 childhood sunburns they are guaranteed to get skin cancer. That alarming statistic is critical enough to urge readers to protect daily.
Aminah’s Organic Skin Spa carries a wide range of sunscreens. From hydrating and anti-aging sunscreens, to the only oil control SPF on the market! Owner, Aminah’s favorite sun defense is Eminence Organic Skincare’s Sun Defense minerals. This is a mineral sunscreen that is tinted with freeze dried fruit so it A) deflects heat so you sweat less and break out less, B) acts like a make-up and C) has a biocomplex of vitamin A, C, E, Alpha Lipoic Acid, and Coenzyme Q-10. This means it is anti-aging, calming, healing, and anti-inflammatory, helping a variety of conditions such as acne and aging skin.
Tips on Choosing the Right Sun Protection
1) Avoid over the counter (grocery store or drug store) brands because they are made with oil which can clog pores and have little to no nutrients for the skin. Stick with Organic as Organic sunscreens have a higher concentration of vitamins and minerals derived from organic sources and therefore are healing, nourishing, as well as protective.
2) If outdoors reapply every 2 hours making sure to pat dry 1st (the sweat or water) so that the sun protection blocks appropriately. Wet or sweaty skin will dilute the sun protection and not properly block and protect the skin increasing your chance for burning and damaging skin.
3) For Men & children – apply sun protection to face, neck, ears, behind the ears, and back of the neck as these delicate areas need protection too and often burn or damage more quickly.
4) For Women – apply sun protection to face, neck and chest as these areas are often exposed and damage over time. Protecting all three areas will allow women to age more gracefully and evenly.
5) Don’t forget the body. Using a quality, organic body sunscreen on hands and arms will help deter sun spots and pre-mature wrinkling as those areas are exposed to the sun’s damaging rays daily especially while we drive.
So remember, rain or shine always wear sun protection. Damage starts from birth on so from 6 months of age to end of life apply sunscreen to face and other appropriate areas. The skin you take care of now is the skin you will wear when you are older. Developing daily habits now of protecting your skin from the sun will slow future aging and potentially prevent skin cancer. Preventative care is what Aminah’s Organic Skin Spa teaches to their clients. For questions about services or sun protection please call (702) 816-5996 or visit our website www.aminahsorganicskinspa.com
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